Actinic (solar) Keratosis is a pre-cancer state

Sunburn symptoms often appear within a few hours after sun exposure.  Solar keratosis is a rough, scaly patch on your skin that develops from years of exposure to the sun. With time the spots or patches may become hard with a wartlike surface.
Any exposed part of the body — including the earlobes, scalp and lips — can burn. Even covered areas can burn if, for example, clothing has a loose weave that allows ultraviolet (UV) light through
After each sunbathing and tanning-bed session, apply a thin layer of R47-PROTUMOL® cream on the warts and moles of your body and on the suspicious looking surface skin lesions.

R47-PROTUMOL® treatment cream benefits
Clinically tested ● No prescription required ● Not a medicine ● Quick and efficient ● Zeros side effects ● Safe ● Contains solely vegetable active ingredients ● Zero hospital intervention ● Zero doctor’s assistance ● Can be applied at home at work and in leisure time ● Anyone can use it at any age ● Simple to use ● It can be applied on the whole surface of the body ● No need to cover the surface after applying the cream ● The cream is non-sticky ● Absorbs quickly, like a face cream ● It leaves no stain on clothes ● It doesn’t have an unpleasant smell

J. Seguin

Paris – France

A dermatologist diagnosed a basal cell carcinoma on my back one year ago. The doctor said that before the operation I should try out a cream and I may not need the operation. I used R47-PROTUMOL® cream three times a day. The basal cell carcinoma started to nicely shrink and it was completely gone in 5 months. I didn’t need the operation.

M. Bertrand

Marseilles- France

I am a sailor so I am exposed to a lot of solar radiation. As a result of the sunlight a mole on my shoulder turned into a malignant basal cell carcinoma. From my colleagues I heard about R47-PROTUMOL® cream and how effective it was against skin cancer. I started to use it myself. It proved to be efficient very soon. Within three weeks the size of the tumor decreased by 50%. After six months only a faint spot remainds me of the tumor.

L. Siméon

Monte Carlo – Monaco

In Monaco the number of hours of sunshine is high all year round. A pea-sized wound formed on my forehead. After dermatological examination I was told that I had skin-cancer. I read in the Jet Set Côte d’Azur magazine how effective the R47-PROTUMOL® cream is against skin cancer and actinic keratosis. After a few months of treatment the cream eliminated the skin cancer on my forehead.

F. Maréchal

Nice – France

Actinic keratosis formed on my face as a result of strong solar radiation. Following my doctor’s recommendation I started to use the R47-PROTUMOL® cream. Within a relatively short period the actinic keratosis was gone. Because I spend a lot of time outdoors in the sunlight and my skin is sensitive I’ve since had actinic keratosis and basalioma on other parts of my body too. R47-PROTUMOL® cream provided me full support. I’ve never had to undergo any operation.

H. Fischer

Berlin – Germany

I had ulcerated basal cell carcinoma. The ulcer could not be eliminated with traditional treatments. As long as the tumor is ulcerated it cannot be operated. The situation got worse with every passing day. I had to find a solution because this ulcerated tumor can cause death. R47-PROTUMOL® cream was recommended to me by a patient in the hospital. I purchased it and started using it. After two weeks of treatment the ulcerated wound started to close down. After three months of using the cream the wound completely closed down and its size decreased from 3 centimeters to 4 millimeters. I returned to the hospital and the dermatologist said that it could be operated on. It was cut out, I am absolutely healthy but just in case I continue using the cream.

K. Ulrich

Hamburg – Germany

I had skin cancer. I treated the cancerous surface with R47-PROTUMOL® cream. The cream was so effective for me that even my doctor was surprised how fast it proved to be effective for me.

G. Klein

Vienna – Austria

I was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma on my neck. I was operated on. After the operation the operation scar didn’t heal, I visited the doctor’s office almost every day. I learnt about R47-PROTUMOL® cream, I purchased one and I applied it on the skin twice a day. After approx. two weeks a thin pellicle formed on the wound, the exudation stopped, the diameter of the wound nicely decreased. For the first time after one and a half years I started to see some hope that I may recover. For the moment I use the cream once a week, only a light red spot reminds me of my wound.

F. Berger

Salzburg – Austria

So far I have been operated on for actinic keratosis four times. On every occasion this skin malformation formed on a different spot on my face. My dermatologist recommended treating my facial skin with the R47-PROTUMOL® cream for prevention. I followed the recommendation I have been using the cream for three years. Since then I haven’t had another actinic keratosis.

S. Steiner

Geneva – Switzerland

I had basalioma on my face. My French friends recommended the R47-PROTUMOL® cream. I applied the cream on the affected surface. Within one month the basal cell carcinoma started to heal, in three months it was completely gone.

A. Pliszeckaja

Moscow – Russia

My skin is very sensitive. So far I’ve had basal cell carcinoma on my face three times. Twice I had actinic keratosis on my shoulder. Altogether I’ve been operated on five times. In Monaco my husband gave me a copy of the Jet Set Côte d’Azur magazine. It was from this magazine that I got to know about R47-PROTUMOL® cream. After returning to Moscow we ordered the cream that I’ve been using ever since. I haven’t had another basal cell carcinoma or actinic keratosis even though I spend a lot of time at the sun. What’s more I find this cream to be more beneficial to my skin than any of the expensive face creams. The large amount of plant-based active agents and vitamins give a young look to the skin.

B. Belinszkij

Saint Petersburg– Russia

I got diagnosed with a malignant melanoma on my arm. I got very scared because I know that in 80% of the cases melanoma causes death. A friend of mine who is a diplomat in the EU brought me some R47-PROTUMOL® cream. After four months of using the cream I was symptom free. I’ve continued using the cream since then, I apply it at least once a day on the surface of the once existing melanoma.

M. Kralova

Kosice – Slovakia

I treated a basal cell carcinoma in the corner of my mouth with R47-PROTUMOL® cream. After two weeks the size of the skin cancer was so small that only a small spot could be seen. My doctor suggested that I should continue the treatment with the cream and I may not have to be operated on. I didn’t need the operation because the basal cell carcinoma completely vanished from the corner of my mouth. I am very grateful for the creators of this cream.

S. Zakar

Budapest – Hungary

I read about the R47-PROTUMOL® cream in a paper, telling how effective it is in treating skin cancer. It was a birthmark on my back which degenerated, and turned into a malignant melanoma, with a 2 cm diameter and a 1 cm height. 2 months ago I bought the cream, and my wife applied it on the surface of the melanoma twice a day. Presently, the diameter is less than 1 cm, and has no height, it completely subsided, as it became even with the normal skin surface. It is reducing day by day.

Sz. Kovács retired teacher

Budapest – Hungary

A pea-size lesion appeared on my forehead. I could not trace it back to any antecedent. After a dermatological examination I was told that I have melanoma skin cancer, and I need to be operated on. After the surgery the scar did not start healing, and I was visiting the doctor’s office almost every day. I got quite depressed as, it being a not too big scar, I undertook all prescribed therapy. I heard about the R47-PROTUMOL® treatment cream, I bought one, and applied it on the scar twice a day. It was after about two weeks that a thin film appeared on the scar, it stopped exuding juice, and its diameter also neatly reduced. It was the first time after one and a half years that I had a flash of hope that I might recover. For the time being I apply the cream once a week, and by now it is only a pale red spot that witnesses my scar.

K. Radnai

Győr – Hungary

An ulcerous tumour was removed from the ridge of the nose between the eyes. To my greatest surprise the scar did not heal. It exuded juice, then after 1-2 days a thin film developed, but then it got ulcerated again. I ordered a tube of the R47-PROTUMOL® cream to give it a try. I applied it on the above-mentioned scar daily. After a week the scar started to contract, exuding juice ceased, and the scar nicely healed. Now I am applying the cream only once a week.

F. Angyal

Budapest – Hungary

I am suffering from ulcerated melanoma skin cancer. It cannot be operated on. In “Zöld Újság” (Green Magazine) I read the letters of people suffering from similar diseases. I thought I myself will try using the R47-PROTUMOL® cream. The cancer appeared on the part behind the ear. I apply the cream on the surface twice a day, and healing process started within 10-11 days after I started to do so. The scar has healed over.

R. Richardson

Los Angeles – USA

Two years ago I had skin cancer. The type of the skin cancer was basalioma. The R47- PROTUMOL® cream was recommended to me by a European friend of mine who works at the Medical University of Los Angeles. I ordered the cream from Europe it arrived within a week. I immediately started to use it. I applied it three times a day to the small surface of the basal cell carcinoma. After four and a half months the skin cancer was gone, only a light mark reminds me of its place.

E. White

New York – USA

I am 38 year old woman. I work as a top level manager for a large corporation. My skin is sensitive to UVB radiation and to smog as well. I had skin cancer twice. First I had basal cell carcinoma on my shoulder. The cancerous tumor was surgically removed by a dermatologist. One year later I had basal cell carcinoma on my face more precisely on the tip of my nose. In two weeks it grew to a size of 5millimeters. The doctor said that after the surgical removal a huge scar would remain on the tip of my nose and I would have to undergo plastic surgery. After that I came in contact with the R47-PROTUMOL® cream. I applied it to the basal cell carcinoma on the tip of my nose. Before each use I washed the surface with soap. It is important in order to make sure that the previously applied layers of cream won’t inhibit the absorption of the active agents. Also dust particles from the air get stuck in the previous layer and if we apply the cream on that no result will be achieved. The cream has to be applied in a thin layer. It absorbs very quickly. It has no side effects because it contains only plant-based active ingredients. After using the cream for two months hardly anything could be seen on the tip of my nose. After using the cream for five months nothing could be seen from the basal cell carcinoma. When my dermatologist re-examined me he confirmed that my skin cancer had gone. In short, no operation was required, I didn’t have to walk around with a bandage on my nose and I didn’t have to spend money on plastic surgery. I am very satisfied.

Z. Jackson

Florida – USA

My whole family lives in Florida – in Miami, Orlando, Jacksonwille and Tampa. We are a large family so several members of our family have already had basal cell carcinoma and actinic keratosis. My grandfather had a mole turned into melanoma. In two months the metastases spread to his vital organs and he died. Since then we have taken the protection against skin cancer very seriously. Many European people come on vacation to Florida and we have seen several of them applying a cream from a small tube on their birthmarks and warts. They said that they use this cream in order to protect themselves from basal cell carcinoma, actinic keratosis and melanoma. The name of the cream is: R47-PROTUMOL®. I asked from an acquaintance of mine who works for the Skin and Cancer Center at the Florida University if he had already heard of this European cream. He knew it and said that it is a dermatologically tested product and it is really efficient for treatment and prevention. We have regularly used this cream since 2013 and since then no one from the family had skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma, spinalioma, melanoma) neither actinic keratosis.

F. Filho

Sao Paolo – Brazil

In Brazil 20 million people have skin cancer. UVB radiation index is 11 all year long. This is the highest value on the UVB scale. Every acquaintance of mine has had skin cancer. I had basal cell carcinoma cut out from my body seven times. I have used the R47-PROTUMOL® cream for prevention for three years. I haven’t had skin cancer since then. All my acquaintances use this cream as well. Since then they haven’t had skin cancer either. There is no other product in the world that is as effective against skin cancer as the R47-PROTUMOL® cream.

J. Smiths

Sidney – Australia

In Australia every type of skin cancer and actinic keratosis are considered to be endemic. I had basal cell carcinoma next to one of my eyes and it soon became ulcerated. The operation was out of question as long as the ulcer didn’t vanish. The help came from Europe. I ordered the R47-PROTUMOL® cream and it was delivered to me by FedEx a few days later. I immediately started using the cream and I experienced positive change even after one week. After using the cream for six months the ulcer completely disappeared and the size of the skin cancer became very small. After an additional month of use the skin cancer vanished from my face. My dermatologist told me that there was no need for an operation. However I insisted that the place of the skin cancer be cut out. I underwent the operation and only a small scar can be seen on my face. Just in case I treat this scar 3-4 times a week with the cream.

F. van Wyk

Cape Town – South-Africa

I spend a lot of time on the beach and on ship. I’ve had several operations because of basal cell carcinoma. Two years ago I had another malignant skin tumor on my shoulder. Following my doctor’s recommendation I started using the R47-PROTUMOL® cream. I was surprised how quickly it produced a positive result. The skin cancer from my shoulder completely disappeared. I still use it for prevention along with my family and acquaintances. I recommend the R47-PROTUMOL® cream for everyone not only for the treatment but also for the prevention of skin cancer

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Here are some reviews from our customers from around the world.Hover on the markers on the map to see user reviews.

Of course, there may be individual differences from those shown here. Results may vary from individual to individual and are not guaranteed.

How to use the R47-PROTUMOL® treatment cream?

  • For Skin cancer: Apply the Cream on the skin surface to be treated in a thin layer three times a day: in the morning, at noon, and in the evening.
  • For Breast cancer: Apply the cream in a thin layer three times a day on both breasts and the armpits. It is recommended to apply the cream on both breasts and armpits even if the tumor is present only in one breast. The R47-PROTUMOL® cream is safe and effective in case of ulcerous tumor too.
  • Note: Before each application wash the surface with ample water so that the layers of the cream don't stack up on each other. Washing the surface is necessary because layers of cream on top of each other block the absorption of the active ingredients.
    It is not recommended to use the R47-PROTUMOL® treatment cream on the same skin surface simultaneously with other creams or body lotions or any other product of cutaneous use.

Qualities of the R47-PROTUMOL® treatment cream

The active ingredients of the cream consist of such different groups of ingredints that have anti-cancer and immune-system strengthening effects, such as e.g. antioxidants, several vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, flavonoids, enzymes and organic acids.

  • What characteristics do these materials have?
  • Antioxidants defend the organism against the deleterious effects of the free radicals and so they slow down the aging of the cells, hold down the malignant degeneration of the cells, and support the immune system.
  • Vitamins: the building blocks of our body, they defend the organism against the deleterious effects of the free radicals acting against the organism, thus slowing down the aging of the cells, holding down the malignant degeneration of the cells, and supporting the immune system.
  • Flavonoids: they have an anti-cancer effect.
  • Amino acids: they play a decisive role in building up the proteins.
  • Proteins: indispensible constituents of all cells.
  • Carbohydrates: their main physiological role is energy production.
  • Enzymes: bio-catalysts of the processes going on in the human body.
  • Minerals – their macro and micro elements, which are so called elements providing vitality, play an important role in the smooth functioning of the organism.
  • Trace elements, which strengthen the organism, help recovering from illnesses, and are of help against the development of tumorous diseases.

Dr Maria Pecsek MD: Why do I use the R47-PROTUMOL® cream in my medical practice?
Because this cream is first aid for the skin! Quick and efficient. No side effects. 


  • More than 880 million people worldwide suffer from Actinic keratosis.
  • In the United States 58 million registered people suffer from Actinic keratosis.
  • According to a report by the WHO, the number of skin tumor patients will double by 2040.

What is the solution?

    1. The goal is to provide risk-free treatment for actinic (solar) keratosis and quickly reach the symptom-free stage! This is the most important thing for skin problem sufferers. Their expectation is that the treatment is comfortable, free from side-effects, has rapid impact so that the treatment can have a positive result even within a few weeks.
    2. The clinically tested R47-PROTUMOL® treatment cream may be applied on its own but also as a complement to medicine therapy. This product is not a medicine and it is available without a prescription.
      Quick and efficient. No side-effects.
138  $ Add to cart

About Actinic (solar) keratosis

Actinic (solar) keratosis are scaly spots or patches on the top layer of skin. With time the spots or patches may become hard with a wartlike surface.

Actinic keratosis is a rough, scaly patch on your skin that develops from years of exposure to the sun. It’s most commonly found on your face, lips, ears, back of your hands, forearms, scalp or neck.

Also known as solar keratosis, an actinic keratosis enlarges slowly and usually causes no signs or symptoms other than a patch or small spot on your skin. These patches take years to develop, usually first appearing in people over 40.

A small percentage of actinic keratosis lesions can eventually become skin cancer. You can reduce your risk of actinic keratosis by minimizing your sun exposure and protecting your skin from ultraviolet (UV) rays.

When to see a doctor

It can be difficult to distinguish between noncancerous spots and cancerous ones. So it’s best to have new skin changes evaluated by a doctor — especially if a spot or lesion persists, grows or bleeds. 
Dangerous skin problems:
- Basal cell Carcinoma
- Actinic keratosis
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Kaposi-sarcoma
- Malignant Melanoma

Causes: Actinic keratosis is caused by frequent or intense exposure to UV rays from the sun or tanning beds.


The signs and symptoms of an actinic keratosis include:

  • A rough, dry or scaly patch of skin, usually less than 2.5 centimeters in diameter
  • Flat to slightly raised patch or bump on the top layer of skin
  • In some cases, a hard, wartlike surface
  • Color as varied as pink, red or brown
  • Itching or burning in the affected area

Risk Factors

Anyone can develop actinic keratosis. But you may be more likely to develop the condition if you:

  • Are older than 40
  • Live in a sunny place
  • Have a history of frequent or intense sun exposure or sunburn
  • Have red or blond hair, and blue or light-colored eyes
  • Tend to freckle or burn when exposed to sunlight
  • Have a personal history of an actinic keratosis or skin cancer
  • Have a weak immune system as a result of chemotherapy, leukemia, AIDS or organ transplant medications

Prevention is an investment in the future!

Prevention of actinic keratosis is important because the condition can precede cancer or be an early form of skin cancer. Sun safety is necessary to help prevent the development and recurrence of actinic keratosis patches and spots.

Take these steps to protect your skin from the sun:
Limit your time in the sun. Especially avoid time in the sun between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. And avoid staying in the sun so long that you get sunburn or a suntan. Both result in skin damage that can increase your risk of developing actinic keratosis and skin cancer. Sun exposure accumulated over time may also cause actinic keratosis.
Use sunscreen. Daily use of sunscreen reduces the development of actinic keratosis. Before spending time outdoors, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Use sunscreen on all exposed skin, and use a lip balm with sunscreen on your lips. Apply sunscreen 15 minutes before sun exposure and reapply it every two hours — or more often if you're swimming or perspiring.
Cover up. For extra protection from the sun, wear tightly woven clothing that covers your arms and legs. Also wear a broad-brimmed hat, which provides more protection than does a baseball cap or golf visor. You might also consider wearing clothing or outdoor gear specially designed to provide sun protection.
Avoid tanning beds. The UV exposure from a tanning bed can cause just as much skin damage as a tan acquired from the sun.
Check your skin regularly and report changes to your doctor. Examine your skin regularly, looking for the development of new skin growths or changes in existing moles, freckles, bumps and birthmarks. With the help of mirrors, check your face, neck, ears, and scalp. Examine the tops and undersides of your arms and hands.
Protect your mole and skin, and use R47-PROTUMOL® cream for prevention. Prevention is an investment in the future.
After each sunbathing and tanning-bed session, apply a thin layer of R47-PROTUMOL® treatment cream on the warts and moles of your body and on the suspicious looking surface skin lesions.
On the one hand it is for prevention because it immediately provides surface skin protection against environmental effects. On the other hand it is also a barrier because with this preventive step you help in blocking the cancerous degeneration of wart and mole cells by means of the natural active ingredients.
However, the cream can also treat evolved skin cancer effectively as well!


If treated early, almost all actinic keratosis can be cleared up or removed before they develop into skin cancer.
If left untreated, some of these spots may progress to squamous cell carcinoma — a type of cancer that usually isn't life-threatening if detected and treated early.

First aid for the skin with the clinically tested plant-blased R47-PROTUMOL® treatment cream.
R47-PROTUMOL® treatment cream is a skin regenerator.
Clinically tested.
Quick and efficient.
No side-effects.